Saint Christopher

Saint Christopher
14 X 21 - acrylic on birch panel


INSPIRATION: Growing up in LA in the 60s, all of us kids had our brightly colored St. Christopher medals hanging from our necks. I remember mine well, it was turquoise. At the time, I knew St. Christopher was the patron saint of travelers but never thought to learn more. Painting this piece drew me in to discover more about him --- I'm glad I did.

First, the name Christopher means Carrier of Christ or Christ bearer. Christopher lived in the 3rd Century.

THE LEGEND in short, tells us that Christopher was a large man. His job was to carry people across a river. One day a child arrived on the shore to be carried across. Christopher placed the child on his shoulder and as they traveled to the other side, the weight of the child became very heavy. When they arrived on the other side, Christopher told the child how difficult it was to carry him. The child replied, "you were not only carrying the weight of the world but also Him who made it. I am Christ whom you are serving by doing this work." Then the child disappeared. Christopher went on to convert many to Christianity for which he was martyred. Learn more on You Tube

Venerated in the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran churches.

Feast day:
July 25th, Western Church
May 9th, Eastern Church



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